Our Mission
Chesapeake Search Dogs is a fully volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit search dog organization dedicated to ensuring professionally trained canine search teams are available to search for lost or missing persons within the Chesapeake Bay and Southern Pennsylvania Region. Chesapeake Search Dogs supports law enforcement, fire services, natural resource authorities, and emergency management agencies, 24/7/365, at no charge.
Our dogs and our teams are priceless resources, ready to go into action when the unthinkable happens and loved ones are lost or missing. Canine and human team members undergo extensive ongoing training, which, combined with the dogs’ natural keen sense of smell and love of the “work,” goes a long way toward increasing the chance of a successful find.
In any given year, Chesapeake Search Dogs is asked to respond to a variety of incidents. The most common incidents are missing/lost person incidents where the safety of a person is at risk. These typically include lost children, autistic children, and people with diminished capacity (Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, mentally or emotionally challenged, etc.), overdue hikers/hunters and the recovery of human remains.

Our People – Learn more about our members and our organizational structure.
Our History – If you would like to learn more about our roots, we have a page dedicated to our history.
Our Specialties – Each of our dogs are certified in specific types of training.
In Loving Memory – Please be sure to visit a page dedicated to our K9 Partners who are no longer with us.